I use mutt, linux, and kde.
One of the problems I have had with mutt is opening links to internet sites
in my email.
I used to highlight and copy the address into the browser (netscape). But,
this seems a bit clumsy. It was clumsy, in fact.
So, I have a better way now. I thought I would pass this along and get some
comments and some advice.
Given a script called /usr/local/bin/DisplayHTML

a=`ps axu | grep mozilla | grep -v grep`  <--look for mozilla in my user's name
[ -n "$a" ] && {  <--If running use this command, else the one below
            /usr/local/netscape/netscape -remote "openURL($1)" &
[ -z "$a" ] && {
            /usr/local/netscape/netscape "$1" &

and an alias
alias n='/usr/local/bin/DisplayHTML' 
in my users shell,

I just highlight the link, switch to an xterm, type n <three mouse click> 
  and the link opens very nicely.

Is there a way to run a shell script which would automatically read in
the current contents of the clipboard, thus avoiding the need for the
mouse click?

I can imagine a mapped key in mutt which would do all of those things
with one key stroke. The main problem is getting the script to see the
clipboard contents.


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