* John Buttery ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> * Michael Tatge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-03-30 13:35:04 +0100]:
> >NO. It's "> " Period. Please don't make a new OT thread out of this,
> >especially you David. ;-)

^ The problem with using just '>' is that the quote string merges with
the text and becomes difficult to disinguish, not only for users, but
for reflowing algorithms which often have to put up with crap like:

| %>>JF > Bla bla 

That space goes a long way to ease working out what's a >INITAL quote
and what's not.

If you want to turn:

> > > > > > Foo bar wibble


>>>>>> Foo bar wibble

Then that's fine (although I prefer the spaces; quotes rarely need to
nest deeply, and the space makes working out the depth easier), but
please don't say:

>>>>>>Foo bar wibble

is better because it saves a single character.  I personally find
quoting without a space after the quote more irritating than any of the
exotic quote strings I've come across, with the possible exception of:

C=This is quoted text
C=Bla bla bla
C=Cookie to whoever works out what this brain dead quote string is
C=supposed to represent.

With a space even that fits in with the (possible
initial)([>|%=#:;!$&*-+])(possible initial) interpretation; without it,
it's difficult to work out whether "Bla" is part of a name or initial or

Thomas 'Freaky' Hurst  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  http://www.aagh.net/
The mosquito is the state bird of New Jersey.
                -- Andy Warhol

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