Quoting darren chamberlain (Wed Apr 10 14:55:03 CEST 2002)

> Is the spool directory mounted via NFS?


> Are permissions correct on $MAIL?

r-x   11 ais      ais          1024 Apr 10 10:36 mail

> Is /var some kind of strange partition type?

No, it's on the / fs

> Are you (accidentally) opening the mailbox readonly (try bouncing on '%' a few
> times)? 

Well... I've found something... if I repeat two or three times, then mutt
does the way it's supposed to.

It's weird! I'll be disconnecting in some minutes, till tomorrow. So I'm taking
this box home, to reinstall/compile mutt, and do some checks. Thank you.
I'll post problem/solution, if I find something interesting (yes, even if
I've put something like 'set MicrosoftHasGoodProgrammers=yes' into the cfg).


Rafael C. Gawenda, rgawenda/at/pobox/dot/com
2:348/610@fidonet; GnuPG key: 0x5C4839A5; Registered LiNUX User #93375
...you could spend *all day* customizing the title bar.  Believe me. I speak from 
experience (Matt Welsh)

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