Rafael --

...and then Rafael C. Gawenda said...
% Quoting David T-G (Wed Apr 10 14:10:19 CEST 2002)
% > Are you using the stock mutt that you've had all along, or did you
% > just breed a new mutt?  In the latter case, whether you chose to use
% > mutt_dotlock or have mutt do the locking itself, does the proper binary
% > have the permissions to do so?
% The problem showed up after setting a new debian 2.2r5 with separate
% partitions for /usr /home and /var

Interesting.  Separate partitions shouldn't matter, and a fresh
system should have everything right but I suppose it might not.

% > Show us what
% Sorry for haven't done that before 0:-)

No problem :-)

% Just made a backup, and installed Debian package for woody (1.3.28i)

Hmmm...  So does that mean you're working with the mutt that had the
problem or a different mutt?  And, if the latter, do you still have the

% >   mutt -v
% >   ls -lF `which mutt` `which mutt_dotlock`
% -v details attached (was that a bad idea?)


% Previosly:
% -rwxr-xr-x 1 rgawenda rgawenda 1447035 Apr 10 07:55 /usr/bin/mutt*
% -rwxr-sr-x 1 rgawenda mail        7108 Feb 17  2000 /usr/bin/mutt_dotlock*
% Current:
% -rwxr-xr-x 1 rgawenda rgawenda  523660 Mar 19 20:50 /usr/bin/mutt*
% -rwxr-sr-x 1 rgawenda mail        7248 Mar 19 20:50 /usr/bin/mutt_dotlock*

Hokay; those both look good.

% rgawenda is UID,GID=0

Whoa -- rgawenda is your root user?

% mail user is: uid=1000(ais) gid=1000(ais) groups=1000(ais)

Interesting, but I suppose that will do.  What's the difference between
group mail listed above and group ais listed here, though?  So what
are the permissions on your spool directory (be that /var/spool/mail or
$HOME or elsewhere) and spoolfile?

% > give you.  In addition, when you're in mutt, does the top line have a
% > percent in up in the left corner?  When you toggle-write (bound by
% > default to '%'), do you get the message that changes will and won't be
% > written, or does the percent sign silently stay up there?
% I'm using no help line, and bottom status line, which shows no '%' sign
% visible, unless I hit it one time (which tells me that mode changed to
% rean-only (ie. hanges will not be written, or so).

Hokay; that's good.  If you can turn read-only back off then that part is
all fine.

% > % msg is still there (instead of being moved to +mbox), and marked as New...
% > % Has somebody seen a similar behaviour?
% > Yes -- when mutt_dotlock can't lock your mailbox.
% I've just tried (by hand) locking a mbox, and mutt complains and reads it
% RO, after prompting to remove locks, or RW if I let it remove the locks.

OK; that's good.  Now what about your spool mailbox, if that's the one
about which we're talking?

% If I enter the mbox, read, force a sync ($), and quit, it does update.

Um, OK.  Now I'm confused again.  I thought you said that sync didn't
work.  Maybe you should outline the difficulty for me again...

% -- 
% Rafael C. Gawenda, rgawenda/at/pobox/dot/com
% 2:348/610@fidonet; GnuPG key: 0x5C4839A5; Registered LiNUX User #93375
% Life's unfair - but root password helps! (BOFH?)

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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