Rafael --

...and then Rafael C. Gawenda said...
% Quoting David T-G (Tue Apr  9 13:05:39 CEST 2002)
% > If you *really* want to send a message to mutt-users and have it happily
% > to put the temp file back in place as the real file.  [BTW, I bet that
% > even though your message to mutt-users shows up the message to which
% > you're replying never shows up with an 'r', right?]
% Done that. Thx. You're probably right, there is only one r flag in thæt
% mailbox, and it's dated just before applying the compressed patch.

Uh huh.  I thought so :-)

% > % I did a backup of the full mail tree. Just in case ;)
% > That's a good idea if you're delivering into that compressed folder.
% Mmm... It sounds like I'm going to have a mutt-users and a mutt-users.gz in

That's one way to do it.  I, on the other hand, prefer to put my
compressed folders under =Z/ (or =D.work/Z or =D.school/Z or whatnot)
and out of the way.

% ~/mail/lists/inet-tech/mail, and in another 30 lists, which will break one
% advantage of the current setup, where I've direct access to the mail-bag of
% each list, while I'm reading new messages in that list... or perhaps I

Yeah, but how often do you really need to go back years and years into
the list past?  If you have six months, or maybe even only three months,
or quite possibly merely one month, in your active mailbox that will suit
for most tings -- and it's a simple matter of opening up another mutt
(or changing folders) to look at the archive folder.

% should forget about that patch <grin> and look forward to an ext3 filesystem
% for my mail tree.

Unless you have one whopping mail tree, it shouldn't be that bad.  Go
back into the archives and look for ext3, reiser, and pack rat and see
what some people keep around -- and on some very low-end systems, too!

% I was still thinking of a way to make it work my way, but you mention about
% another problem which I haven't thought of. Locks... I would be in a hurry
% if procmail receives mail for the list I'm currently reading, but this could
% be fixed stoping fetchmail as daemon, and running it manually (losing a
% great feature).

Nah; don't cripple yourself that way, and I bet you won't notice your
list folders being split after a week or two.  Don't forget that you
could use grepmail to find things, too, and look in a compressed folder
about as easily as an uncompressed one...

% -- 
% Rafael C. Gawenda, rgawenda/at/pobox/dot/com
% 2:348/610@fidonet; GnuPG key: 0x5C4839A5; Registered LiNUX User #93375
% The three most dangerous things are a programmer with a hammer, a hardware
% tech with a software patch and a user with an idea.

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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