Kai --

...and then Kai Weber said...
% Hi all,


% I am just reorganzing my mail sorting and filtering. I now use a
% structure like that:
%       Mail/list/mutt-users
%       Mail/list/debian-users
%       Mail/mail/inbox
%       Mail/mail/private
%       ...

Not bad.

% (another idea I had was Mail/list/mutt-users/2002-04 but now I archive
% my mails monthly by a cron job)

Good idea.

% But Mutt seems to have problems recognizing new mails in these folders
% if I specify mailboxes like that:
%       mailboxes `find Mail -type f`
% What's wrong with that and how should i tune my settings?

I haven't played with this in a while, but I seem to recall some
issues with newlines coming up with the find method vs the echo method.
Check the archives for mailboxes and see what you find.  I know there
are folks doing this sort of thing, but don't remember if there had to
be some magic thrown in.

Meanwhile, if the problem is mutt recognizing these folders at all, is it
only when a new one gets created and you haven't restarted mutt?  You
might need to re-source your .muttrc file.

Finally, if mutt really sees the folders but just never marks them as
updated, look for any other mailchecking program -- biff, buffy, your
shell, or who knows -- that is updating the last-access timestamp on the
file; mutt compares last-access with last-modified and says the folder
has been updated only if the former is later than the latter (if you'll
forgive the tongue twister).  You can test by using more ls options to
compare them yourself, and even fake delivery by updating the mod time
with touch.

% Thanks for your help and brainstorming


% Kai.

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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