
* Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS [04/17/02 22:31:00 CEST] wrote:
> The start of my .procmailrc is below. The in-line Perl script removes
> all header fields except Date, From, Subject, To and Cc. MD5 sums are
> appended to $MAILDIR/MD5, so you should remove the beginning of that
> file from time to time. Duplicates are sent to =dupes. It's not
> efficient or elegant, but it seems to work.


,----[ procmailex(5) ]-
| If  you  are subscribed to several mailinglists and people
| cross-post to some of them, you  usually  receive  several
| duplicate mails (one from every list).  The following sim-
| ple recipe eliminates duplicate mails.  It  tells  formail
| to  keep an 8KB cache file in which it will store the Mes-
| sage-IDs of the most recent  mails  you  received.   Since
| Message-IDs  are  guaranteed  to  be  unique for every new
| mail, they are ideally suited to weed out duplicate mails.
| Simply put the following recipe at the top of your rcfile,
| and no duplicate mail will get past it.
| :0 Wh: msgid.lock
| | formail -D 8192 msgid.cache
| Beware if you have delivery problems in recipes below this
| one  and  procmail  tries to requeue the mail, then on the
| next queue run, this mail will be considered  a  duplicate
| and will be thrown away.  For those not quite so confident
| in their own scripting capabilities, you can use the  fol-
| lowing  recipe  instead.  It puts duplicates in a separate
| folder instead of throwing them away.  It is up to you  to
| periodically empty the folder of course.
| :0 Whc: msgid.lock
| | formail -D 8192 msgid.cache
| :0 a:
| duplicates

Cheers, Rocco.

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