Rocco, et al --

...and then Rocco Rutte said...
% Hi,
% * David T-G [04/25/02 19:14:01 CEST] wrote:
% > ...and then Vincent Lefevre said...
% > % too. :( I have to remove mutt_dotlock from my bin directory each
% > % time I want to install a new version of Mutt.
% > So which is easier, to remove a file or to tell configure to not put it
% > there in the first place?  And which is easier, to do nothing or to
% > modify the configure and make rules?
% That doesn't seem to be as easy as you write. I was almost
% going to insert a coin into my floppy drive to make the build
% procedure do what I wanted.

Removing a file is tough?  I don't get it.  Was the coin so that computer
could flip to decide? :-)

% I simply wanted to built without the mutt_dotlock included.
% And because I wasn't abled to make it work, it added a line to
% my autobuilder just using sed to overwrite a #define directive
% in config.h. Done.

That'll work, too.  My understanding, though, is that if you don't build
mutt_dotlock then mutt itself will try to do the dotlocking, which means
that the mutt you build won't find the system mutt_dotlock 'cuz it will
never look for it.  Won't your dotlocking still fail?

% > % > I think, however, that it might be well worth adding some magic in the
% > ...
% > % Yes, I want exactly that.
% > Now we need someone to write it...
% It doesn't really matter, I think. The dotlock program is the
% last which is to be installed. if chgrp fails, who cares since
% (at that point) everything else is sucessfully where it should

Well, yes, all else is well, but 1) you get an error from the make
(can't be helped unless you change what's to be done) and 2) you have
this useless mutt_dotlock lying around that can get in your way later,
as Vincent has brought up.

% be. Just remove the binary.

That's my usual method.

% Cheers, Rocco.


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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