John --

...and then John Iverson said...
% With different colors set for different quote levels:
%   color quoted  blue     default
%   color quoted1 magenta  default
%   color quoted2 red      default

You should probably continue to quoted5 or quoted6 to fill out your test,
because ...

% and using the default $quote_regexp and Mutt's built-in pager,
% why do the following lines show up in different colors?
% > This is in "quoted" color
% | This is in "quoted1" color
% : This is in "quoted2" color
% } This is in "quoted" color
% # This is in "quoted1" color
% > This is in "quoted" color again

... this appears to be looping except for the rematch on the last '>'

% Shouldn't they all use the "quoted" (first level) color, since
% they are all first-level quotes?

While they may be, it doesn't really make sense for there to be two
first-level quotes with different delimiters, even if you might split
them up for vparsing.  A more practical example might be one reply to two
originals, perhaps like

  Quoting John:
  % >he said this
  % he did??
  % >and then that
  % no!

  Quoting Bill:
  % # that was messier
  % # and I wouldn't want it
  % yeah, you said it

or so.  Now you would see the outer quotes (%) in color 1 and you might
expect to see the inner quotes (> and #) both in color 2 but mutt would
(correctly, IMHO) identify them as separate (after all, one is John and
the other Bill) and color them as 2 and 3, respectively.

% It seems when the _leading_ quote prefix changes, the color
% sequence is not reset, but continues where it left off, and going


% back to the first leading quote prefix ("> " above), resets it
% again.  (Vim, for example, seems to display this correctly,
% although it uses different quote prefixes by default.)

I'm interested in your definition of "correct", perhaps clarified through
detailed description of an example.  My definition of "correct" matches
mutt's apparent performance.

% -- 
% John


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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