* On 2002.05.16, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
*       "John Iverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My original thinking was that the color should depend on only the
> "level" of the quote, and when I saw that vim did it this way, it
> reinforced my thinking that maybe Mutt was doing something wrong
> or I had something configured wrong.  But it's looking like Mutt
> is right and now I think I prefer the way Mutt handles it.

I don't prefer it.

I don't find that multiple quotation styles at the *same* quotation
depth is a very common occurrence. Much more common is that I'm being
mailed something that begins with a column of '#' marks -- a shell
script posted in reply to someone's comments, say:

        > your script doesn't cover quite all cases. can you post a fix?
        OK, try this:
        # revision 2
        # by request
        echo Hello, solar system!

But I don't see:

        > this is person 1's quote
        # this is person 2's quote

more often than I see:

        > this is person 3's quote
        > this is person 4's quote

That is, never -- except when someone replies to multiple messages at
once. But then the same quotation symbols are used for each block. In
other words, case 2 is more common than case 1, so case 1 doesn't merit
special treatment vs. case 2.

I'd like to see this [attached] colored as one expects, where color
depends only on the level of the quote. I'm not sure how to do it with
current code, though. (This kind of case is why I used not to use
quotedN colors. I'm still trying to decide how to react -- quit using
them again, or try to patch it. :P)

 -D.    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        NSIT    University of Chicago
--- Begin Message ---

>>>>> "Foo" == "Foo Bar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    Foo> Mom tried to keep the peace with:
    Foo> % >>>>> "Scamp" == "Nutty Rapscallion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    Foo> %     Scamp> Another Guy once said:
    Foo> %     Scamp> | On Mayday, Thursvember 16, Trouble Maker
    Foo> %     Scamp> | <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
    Foo> %     Scamp> | > Let's start a religious war about quotation styles!
    Foo> %     Scamp> | > We haven't had one in a while!
    Foo> %     Scamp> | 
    Foo> %     Scamp> | Let's not.
    Foo> % 
    Foo> %     Scamp> Oh, come on. You know you want to take me on again.
    Foo> % 
    Foo> % Oh, stop it, both of you.
    Foo> Stop what? He started it.

  How about we jut try to talk about how to cope with all kinds of
  quoting styles, instead?

 -D.    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        NSIT    University of Chicago

--- End Message ---

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