On Wed, 5 Jun 2002, darren chamberlain wrote:

> I get:
>   $ echo "ctrl-v f1" | perl -lpe '$_ = join " ", unpack("c*", $_)'
>   27 79 80
>   $ echo "ctrl-v ctrl-F1" | perl -lpe '$_ = join " ", unpack("c*", $_)'
>   27 79 53 80
> I'm using a happy hacking keyboard, which might make a difference, but I
> doubt it.

"<esc> [ 5 P" is XFree86 xterm PC-style control/F1, documented in
ctlseqs.ms, e.g.,

In normal mode, i.e., a Sun/PC keyboard when the sunKeyboard resource is
false, xterm recognizes function key modifiers which are parameters
appended before the final character of the control sequence.

                      Code     Modifiers
                       2       Shift
                       3       Alt
                       4       Shift + Alt
                       5       Control
                       6       Shift + Control
                       7       Alt + Control
                       8       Shift + Alt + Control

For example, shift-F5 would be sent as CSI 1 5 ; 2 ~


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