On Sun, Jun 09, 2002 at 10:26:26PM -0500, David T-G wrote......
> Kevin --
> ...and then Kevin Coyner said...
> % 
> % I've recently installed mutt and loving it.  Now I'm taking a stab at
> % getting my GnuPG key associated with mutt, verifying sigs, etc.
> Good deal!
> % 
> % I've got it working such that I can send my signature and send
> % encrypted, but for some reason I can't verify the sigs of others.
> Well, I'm not entirely sure of that...
> % 
> % Here's what I have in my .muttrc regarding PGP verify sig:
> % 
> % set pgp_verify_sig = yes        #  auto verify incoming signed msgs
> Right.
> % 
> % And in my ~/.gnupg/options I have:
> % 
> % keyserver search.keyserver.net
> That looks good, although it may or may not be up...  That, however,
> doesn't really have anything to do with verifying sigs; it has to do with
> fetching keys.  Now, if you don't have the key you can't verify the sig,
> but it makes sense to separate the two tasks.
> % 
> % My gut feel is the the line I have in the 'options' file for keyserver
> % is what the problem is.  
> Are you using the fresh, new 1.0.7 or something earlier?  If you're at
> the latest, then you must add

I'm using the new 1.0.7,

>   keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve

I had not added the *keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve* line.  Adding
it made the whole thing work in a snap!

> to your options file to have gpg download the keys automatically.
> % 
> % Could someone please verify if the keyserver entry and syntax I'm using
> % is correct, and if not, then suggest a correct version?
> That looks good, but other possibilities include

Thanks for the thorough list of keyservers!

>   keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net
>   #keyserver wwwkeys.us.pgp.net
>   #keyserver wwwkeys.uk.pgp.net
>   #keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net
>   #keyserver certserver.pgp.com
>   #keyserver pgp.ai.mit.edu
>   #keyserver keyserver.net
>   #keyserver search.keyserver.net
>   #keyserver pgp.dtype.org
>   #keyserver gnv.us.ks.cryptnet.net
>   #keyserver ldap://horowitz.surfnet.nl:11370
>   #keyserver x-hkp://gnv.us.ks.cryptnet.net:11371
>   #keyserver ldap://pgp.surfnet.nl:11370
>   #keyserver blackhole.pca.dfn.de
>   #keyserver gnv.us.ks.cryptnet.net
> (pulled from my options file).
As always, thanks for the tremendous help.


Kevin Coyner
GnuPG key: 1024D/8CE11941

Attachment: msg28801/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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