Robert Ian Smit wrote:

> I have also tried to put some different things behind --command,
> like echo foo>foo.txt. This never works and even sometimes causes a
> startup error. 

This cannot work. The redirection (">") is a shell feature, but
--command does not start a shell, it only spawns the executable given.

  gnome-terminal --command='sh -c "echo foo >foo.txt"'
  gnome-terminal --command='sh -c "locale >locale.txt"'

> After some sleep I will try to search the gnome bugzilla again and
> see if there is something that describes problems with the --command
> option.

Try setting your LC_CTYPE in /etc/profile (or /etc/profile.local if that
exists). Restart X to make sure gdm (or kdm/xdm) gets restarted.

You could also try to use the "--login" for gnome-terminal.


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