When I ssh in from my X11 desktop to my server (both Debian 3.0) and
start sessions under GNU Screen (v. 3.09.11), among which are Mutt (v.
1.3.28) instances, I get a weird effect with Mutt's internal pager:

If I highlight text from Mutt's internal pager and use X11 copy/paste to 
copy it to elsewhere, there is right-side padding of all lines of text.
Most lines get padded all the way to column 80.  Some shorter lines get
less (and I'm not sure what the pattern is).  

Text copied/pasted from vim (as Mutt editor), or from "less" used in 
place of the internal pager, don't show this symptom.

If I exit from Screen entirely, then start up Mutt and use its internal 
pager, X11 copy/pastes from the internal pager do NOT show that effect.
So, something unhealthy's going on between Mutt's internal pager and Screen.

:r! echo $TERM

:r! ls -l .terminfo/s/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx    1 rick     rick           37 Jul 10 17:13 screen -> 

Excerpt from /etc/screenrc :

# Tell screen terminal it's running on supports Background Color Erase.
defbce on

I'm probably missing something obvious, but I _have_ worked at this
problem.  Much as I love the internal pager, this terminal glitch is a
real pain.

If it'll help, I believe the problem spontaneously showed up immediately
after a Mutt version update, and has been constant since then.  I'm
sorry to say I don't remember which version.

Cheers,            There are only 10 types of people in this world -- 
Rick Moen          those who understand binary arithmetic and those who don't.

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