Hi David!

On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 04:48:17PM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> % 
> % On Mon, Aug 26, 2002 at 05:32:59PM -0400, Justin R. Miller wrote:
> % >
> ...
> % > See my guide at the URL below. 
> % 
> % Thanks a lot for the link! Good introduction, but I missed the
> % "procmail recipe to rewrite old-style inline PGP messages as
> % S/MIME messages" that you mentioned in your text.
> S/MIME?  Don't you mean PGP/MIME?

Well, I only copied that part from Justin's tutorial.

> And the conversion isn't necessary now because you can
> recognize an old-style message with esc-P [...]

Why can't mutt do that for me?


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