On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 06:01:48PM -0600, Peter T. Abplanalp wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 07:49:40PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > As for the manner on this group, you are correct.  This group can
> > be a little rougher in its treatment of newbies than most others.
> > I'm not sure why they think they have to be but its just the select few
> > self-appointed/self-anointed ego-geek types.  Not untypical.  Don't let
> > 'em <colloquial>bust your chops</colloquial> too much.  
> anyone who thinks bo's treatment was rough hasn't been on very many
> lists.  of course, the off list emails might have been the ones that
> were rough.

I think I'm referring mostly to Linux oriented lists which have topics
that tend to attract newbies.  They are not subjected to as much abuse
there I guess because most of those people feel a little bit like they
are trying to attract more people to Open Source as opposed to trying
to frighten them away. :)

Quoting Sven "Mutt is not for everyone" is an OK premise but I do
worry that the way the message is delivered has a negative affect on
how Open Source is perceived by persons who have been the recipients
of those messages.

Jeff Kinz, Director, Emergent Research,  Hudson, MA.  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
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