* On 2002.10.08, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
*       "Richard Cattien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Control-G cancels most prompted operations.

More precisely, ^G probably cancels all prompted operations. I just
didn't want to make an assertion I hadn't proven. :)

> Well, why the heck this is not mentioned in the online help when
> pressing ``?'' I was looking for this too but was afraid of asking :-)

Because it's not a key binding. The "?" help shows bindings and macros,
but ^G is a hard-coded part of the character input routine indicating
that mutt should immediately return from whatever it's asking, with no
particular answer to the question.

^G is documented, by the way: section 2.2 of the manual.

> this may be offtopic, but how do you deal with mails which have no CR
> after 7x letters, and you want to break it correctly? I know this is an
> editor issue ...maybe someone knows if theres a trick in vim to do smth
> like that?

Yes, it's a faq. It involves a q or g or something -- I don't know, I
don't use vim. The other answers are "fmt" and "par". Check archives.

But that's about reflowing other people's text in your reply; it doesn't
address reflowing text as you view it. For that, you need to modify
$display_filter. Again, "par" and "fmt" might help here. Other answers
have been posted, too.

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