* Gary Johnson <garyj...@spocom.com> 23.09.2009
> On 2009-09-23, Michael Wagner wrote:
> > * Wu, Yue <vano...@gmail.com> 23.09.2009
> > > In mutt offical site, the documentation for devel version:
> > > 
> > >     text version: http://www.mutt.org/doc/devel/manual.txt
> > > 
> > > is an uncompleted version, which just give a table of contents and the 
> > > first
> > > chapter.
> > > 
> > >     text gzipped version: http://www.mutt.org/doc/devel/manual.txt.gz
> > > 
> > > isn't a gzipped version actually, I can't gunzip with it.
> > 
> > Hello Wu,
> > 
> > the version at http://www.mutt.org/doc/devel/manual.txt.gz is a gzipped 
> > file. I've downloaded it for testing and everything is allright with the 
> > it. Also when I visited the side with different text browsers, they 
> > showed me all the correct file.
> > 
> > What browser do you use?
> FWIW, I get the same, truncated results that Wu Yue reported from
> http://www.mutt.org/doc/devel/manual.txt using w3m and Firefox on
> different computers with different routes to the Internet.  The last
> line is
>    Mutt is Copyright
> I didn't check the .gz file.

Hello Gary,

but I spoke only from the .gz file. The other file is here also only the 
table of contents and the first chapter.


"An eye for an eye will only make the entire world blind."
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