On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 11:44:35AM +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 30Mar2010 17:51, Nicolas Williams <nicolas.willi...@sun.com> wrote:
> | > That's surprising; it suggests your $TERM isn't set up right outside
> | > mutt.
> | 
> | It's a terminfo / libslang issue.
> Lucky the screen internal terminal and xterm both base off the ANSI
> stuff, eh?


> | > | screen -ls output
> | > | gets mangled, but that's screen's fault:
> | > | There are screens on:
> | > |     [...]
> | > |     3820.mutt-30mar2010-11:06 Re_Foobars_Request_1  (Detached)
> | > 
> | > Cool. So, working for you now?
> | 
> | Turns out I can screen -r <pid>, so, yes.
> Ah. I mostly use screen through a wrapper of my own called "scr" that
> numbers the listing, so I'd be going "scr 5" or whatever.

I do the same (I call my wrapper rscreen), but it gets fooled by the
run-on fields above.  In any case, I will not use the -m option, since I
don't want a whole new screen but a new window.

> | > Glad to here it. Any specific problems remaining to address?
> | 
> | The replied flag issue.
> You could be optimistic and mark it at the point you commence the
> reply.

Hmmm, maybe.  Or I could have a script go through my sent folder and
searching for the messages they reply to just to set the replied flag.

> | The connection sharing and password caching
> | issues.  I can live.
> Connection sharing?

See other posts on this thread.

> | (Actually, _I_ don't need this, as I'm happy to postpone messages when I
> | need to switch gears.  But I know of at least one user who desperately
> | needs a new MUA but will not adopt mutt because of this missing
> | feature.)
> Ah. Well I know I really wanted it too, hence the script.
> I never did come to grips with the postponed folder approach.

Thanks for your script and usage info,


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