On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 10:58:12AM +0000, Jamie Paul Griffin wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 02:52:22PM -0800, Chip Camden wrote:
> > Someone must have solved this problem before, but all the Googling in the
> > world isn't helping me so far.
> on my FreeBSD system, which i believe you are using, i managed to get it to 
> display these characters by setting the locale as Derek pointed out; but, the 
> values i used for $LANG and $MM_CHARSET are en_GB.ISO8859-1 and ISO-8859-1 
> respectively. This is on the FreeBSD web faq/manual i believe where it 
> explains about localisation. You shouldn't need to set any of the other 
> locale values - at least i didn't need to but i'm no expert.
Setting a ISO-8859 locale will mostly work but it's not so all
encompassing as using UTF-8 so if you can use UTF-8 it's better.
ISO-8859 character sets are basically only the 'Roman' character sets of
western[ish] Europe.  Using UTF-8 will show almost anything, I get to
see chinese spam in all its chinese glory sometimes!  :-)

Chris Green

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