* On 27 Oct 2011, Jostein Gogstad wrote: 
> Anyone heard of a script that does something similar? Do you think it falls
> under the responsibility of the MUA?

I think that sounds like a task management / trouble-ticketing system.
Typically a reply to an e-mail is not the exact result I'm looking for;
it's "I'll take care of that" or "I need more details" or something
similar.  I wouldn't want to automate that.

You could implement something like this with procmail and a relatively
simple script.  Trap incoming mail; if there's an X-Fake-Boomerang:
header, put a row in a database[1] consisting of the message-id, the
timestamp, the address of the person you expect to respond, and the
amount of time they have to do so.  If there's an In-Reply-To or
References header, look in the database and remove any rows for that
message-id from that sender.  Then write a cron job to look for rows
where commit time + duration > current time, and send a ping to the
expected respondent.

[1] Where "database" means any relational system you can devise and use
in a simple script.

David Champion • d...@uchicago.edu • IT Services • University of Chicago

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