On 27.10.11 15:27, David Champion wrote:
> * On 27 Oct 2011, Jostein Gogstad wrote: 
> > 
> > Anyone heard of a script that does something similar? Do you think it falls
> > under the responsibility of the MUA?
> I think that sounds like a task management / trouble-ticketing system.
> Typically a reply to an e-mail is not the exact result I'm looking for;
> it's "I'll take care of that" or "I need more details" or something
> similar.  I wouldn't want to automate that.

Yep, I think that normally needs to be wetware-initiated, according to
intracranial process priorities. In similar circumstances, I'd be
tempted to just whack in an "at" job, and move on:

$ at now + 12 hours
warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh
at> mail -s "Ping Fred, if no action yet!" erik
at> <EOT>
job 1 at Sat Oct 29 07:09:00 2011

Admittedly, if the host is powered down at "now + 12 hours", then you'd
need to be using anacron, for the job to be run when you come back to
the office and turn it on again. But then I'd schedule the job for prior
to COB. (e.g. "at 4pm")


(5)  It is always possible to agglutinate multiple separate problems
     into a single complex interdependent solution. In most cases
     this is a bad idea. 

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