
On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 07:22:23PM -0500, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> do not tell fetchmail to delete after download (see man page),
> then all will remain on gmail's server and will be accessable
> via tags/labels or in "all mail".

This is what I do. I already had filters setup on G-mail to
automatically archive mailing list posts to keep them out of my
inbox. I use fetchmail to retrieve all my mail without deleting
it from the remote server. I use procmail to sort it out on my
machine. Then I read it and respond to it with mutt (plus Vim,
and msmtp).

I track my .fetchmailrc, .procmailrc, .muttrc, and .msmtprc in a
public GitHub repository if you want to take a look (I mostly
took them from existing guides on the Web for using Mutt with
G-mail, so I can't really take credit for them):


Credentials are in ~/.netrc (and not tracked in the public repo
;). Let me know if you notice something in the repo that
shouldn't be. xD

> not to your wishes then subscribe to a second gmail account and
> automagically via gmail forward the list mail to the second
> account.  All you list mail comes from specific addrs so
> sorting what you wish deleted is the easiest approach, imnsho.
> Then dl with fetchmail list mail from the second account and
> tell fetchmail to delete after dl.  The mail will all remain in
> "all mail" anywhay until you delete it yourself.

I'm not sure exactly what this is about. I don't see any need for
a second G-mail account. :-/ Before using Mutt I would just
filter mailing list (and other noise) messages out of my inbox,
leaving them unread. I'd configure G-mail to show interesting
labels only when there was new messages. It worked quite well
that way.

Now that I mostly use Mutt to read my mail I've configured G-mail
to mark mail as read when fetched via POP. It still remains in my
G-mail account, but it doesn't bother me because it's marked as
read and archived and therefore I never see it unless I go
looking for it.  If I ever need or want to I can still read and
respond to my mail from the G-mail Web interface though.


Brandon McCaig <bamcc...@gmail.com> <bamcc...@castopulence.org>
Castopulence Software <https://www.castopulence.org/>
Blog <http://www.bamccaig.com/>
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