On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 10:48:03AM -0700, Robin Lee Powell wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 12:44:31PM -0500, David Champion wrote:
> > * On 19 Jul 2012, Robin Lee Powell wrote: 
> > > The section about tags in
> > > http://wiki.mutt.org/?MuttGuide/Macros is flat-out wrong in
> > > 1.5.21 and 1.5.20, as far as I can tell, and
> > 
> > In what way, specifically?  The statements appear to be correct
> > and there are no functional examples (only illustrative ones),
> > so it's hard to infer what's incorrect.
> "If you define a macro to work with a single entry, then it can
> not be applied to tagged entries just by using
> <tag-prefix>macro-key!!!" is flat-out false in every version of
> mutt I have access to.  This means that the entire section
> "Special usage: applying to several tagged entries" is both false
> and useless.
> Based on that statement, given the following macro:
>   macro index ,t <tag-entry>
> I would expect the following sequence of characters to error out:
>   ttt;,t
> But in fact it works perfectly.

It just occured to me that it may be that it is intended to mean
that given:

   macro index ,t <tag-entry>

this won't work:

   macro index ,x <tag-prefix>,t

But in fact that is also false; all 4 of the following work exactly
as you'd expect:

   macro index ,t t
   macro index ,T <tag-entry>
   macro index ,x <tag-prefix>,t
   macro index ,X <tag-prefix>,T

at least in 1.5.21, where I just tested them.


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