* On 07 Nov 2012, Jeremy Kitchen wrote: 
> I haven't had it break crypto, but I'm one of 2 people at the company
> doing pgp signatures and both of us send *only* text/plain.

My memory is fuzzy but I think it was more complex multipart signed
messages that it broke.

> I have had it give me text/plain only when there was an html part, which
> normally I wouldn't complain about, but if someone used an html link in
> their email, I *never* see the link or the url.

I may have it backwards.  OTOH it may have both problems.

> Otherwise, mutt seems to work just fine with exchange. I do need to set
> up lbdb to pull from our exchange server at some point, but fortunately
> I interact with only a very small subset of the company, so my aliases
> file suffices for this, and if I need to look up someone's address I can
> always open up OWA.

True, mutt does pretty well.  If you're compelled to use Exchange, mutt
remains a good option.

You can set a query_command that looks people up in AD, theoretically.
I've never done this but I suspect that I could.  Maybe that's
functionally what you mean to do with lbdb, though?

(Our campus uses both AD and LDAP, and LDAP is used for first-pass mail
routing, so I'm querying it alone for now.

David Champion • d...@bikeshed.us

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