Hi Jeremy,

On Tue, Dec 04, 2012 at 02:00:26PM -0800, Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 04, 2012 at 10:39:30PM +0100, Andre Klärner wrote:
> > Hi Guys,
> > 
> > I read the last long discussion about line wrapping and proper mail
> > formatting.
> All of it? You are a braver man than I :)

Well, reading such long discussion helps me to get inspirations for new
solutions. Like this time - that I am annoyed by too long lines and would
like to change it, but hadn't time and ideas to do it.

> > Is there any way to pipe a "builtin pager buffer" (the final output
> > with verified signatures etc) to a process and reread the output to the
> > buildin pager.
> perhaps display_filter would work?
> http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual/manual-6.html#display_filter

Thanks a lot for pointing me in the right direction.

Looks like it could do the trick, but I still need to find a way, how to
ignore certain lines if I pipe it through par.

> alternatively, you could reformat the mails at receive time through
> a procmail filter or something if you have that kind of access to the
> mail server.

Well, that would probaply break each and every signed clear-text mails and
would also change received mails at all, which I don't want. Also the
over-long mails a no issue for me on the various mobile devices with
smaller screens than my desktops.

Regards, Andre

Andre Klärner

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