Hi leo!

On Sa, 22 Dez 2012, leo wrote:

> ::First question::
> When I write an e-mail and I choose the addressee, abook automatically always 
> insert into the field To (or Cc or Bcc) the name and the e-mail address 
> (example: name surname <name.surn...@gmail.com>. I would like that in the 
> field To (or Cc or Bcc) appears only the e-mail address without name and 
> surname.
> Is it possible?
> In my muttrc I recall abook with this command:
> set query_command= "abook --mutt-query '%s'"

Recent development versions of abook support this:

abook --mutt-query "%s" --outformat=custom  --outformatstr "{email}"

Stay seated until bus comes to a complete stop.

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