I've been watching this thread for a while and thinking "Good grief, give me a 

This is only my point of view.

1. RTFM is rude.  It is usually written by people who seem to feel the need to 
show that they know more than someone else.
2. Having to put up with people who ask basic questions is a lame complaint.  News: It 
isn't a burden to hit the delete or simply ignore a post.  Self-righteous claims of 
pedagogical concern that the person asking the question will not really learn anything if 
you simply give them the answer ring hollow to me.  A good teacher never says "Read 
the Fing book, kid."
3. The idea of having a seperate moderated list for basic questions vesus 
advanced questions strikes me as a huge confusing waste of time.  The same 
people who get so upset that they have to reply RTFM will get upset and whine 
about questions being posted to the wrong list.

If you don't want to answer something, don't answer it.  Replying RTFM does 
nothing except make you look like a jerk.


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