On 14.09.14 16:29, Will Yardley wrote:
> The problem, though, is that doing so in a tool like mutt where the
> editor is (by design) completely divorced from the MUA does make it a
> lot more difficult to properly generate flowed text.

Nope, it works fine for me, without effort of any significance. The
"problem" of scrambling standard email quoting when reflowing arises
only when a poster uses an incompetent editor to compose a reply. When I
reply in-line to a post, and break a quoted paragraph before a sentence,
and the paragraph rump needs reflowing, then the ordinary gq} command
respects the quoting, just as insert automatically prepends "> " to the
new line.

That's with Vim as Mutt's editor. Doubtless Emacs can do the same.
(And with gq} mapped to ^W, I just need to think "wrap", rather than

OK, I haven't tried Vim's continuously active "flowed text" mode, so
cannot report on how that handles quoting, but then I don't see the


At the Victorian [era] version of the X Factor, the talent show format was
stripped right back to its bare bones. Just six contestants and a stage, each
and every man singing his heart out to impress the judges. While carrying a pig.

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