On 2015-06-18 21:06 +1000, Erik Christiansen wrote:

Chris> I never wrote any of the above!

Erik> And the quoting does show that. Compare the inner "Chris
Erik> Bannister" quote with the outer: In the outer, the leftmost '>'
Erik> ladder links your name with the last quoted sentence. In your
Erik> inner, the third '>' ladder links your name with nothing at all,
Erik> i.e. no attribution to you. The whole of the central block of
Erik> quoted text is solidly attributed to Tom Fowle by an unbroken
Erik> fourth '>' ladder, is it not?

Now compare this correct, but horribly complex analysis (can a human
really do that habitually?) with the SuperCite "nonstandard" [1] quoting
I use.  Which is easier to read, honestly?  If it is a matter of
colorizing in the mutt pager, a simple setting of quote_regexp in
.muttrc fixes that.  (This should count as ob-mutt content.)

Which RFC specifies the multi-> quoting, anyway?

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