On 07Sep2015 00:41, Grady Martin <sunnycemet...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 2015年09月06日 21時38分, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
line wrapping would really be nice.

Read the fine manual about "lists" and "subscribe" in muttrc

Here is what the manual says:

Mutt has a few nice features for handling mailing lists. In order to take
advantage of them, you must specify which addresses belong to mailing lists,
and which mailing lists you are subscribed to.

Laziness is a virtue.  Do you think it would be possible to abbreviate the
trouble of having to specify regexes or addresses for every mailing list?  As
is, I use <list-reply> for lists, and that fine works--but it would be nice to
have one, intelligent reply command.

I use <group-reply> myself. For everthing: lists, direct email, etc. Of course one must review the To/CC this way, but it works well for me. I've practically forgotten that the "r" and "l" keys exist...

I confess I have never understood the mindset around making "lists" and "subscribe" separate notions. Could someone outline the use case for this to me please?

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

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