I can't answer your question.  But I just want to point out that even
without the Date: header, I can look at the Recevied: headers and
take a guess that you live in the Boston area.  People knowing that
time zone you live in is not recognized as a huge security exploit.

That said, your problem is more likely in msmtp than in mutt.

--hymie!     http://lactose.homelinux.net/~hymie    hy...@lactose.homelinux.net

"Peter P." writes:
>Hi list,
>please excuse me if this has been discusse before, but I have not found
>a satisfactory explanation in the mailing list archives or on the web.
>I send mail with mutt and msmtp. Apparently the "Date:" header of the
>sent mail shows my current timezone to the receiver, which I would like
>to avoid.
>Is there a way to do this?

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