This is an explanation such that less advanced users can follow, if they
are, like I was, eager to learn how to verify emails from web.

( Just if you see any sigs when you follow below, do the:
        gpg --recv-key XXXXXXXX 

If you've been subscribed to Muut, you can follow this.

Go to you mutt maildir. Do not open any messages.

Hit '/' . You're in the command track in bottom. And now type (or paste

=h 20160921191202.GB18462

and hit Enter.

The first find is the message that Claus Assmann used as example. (We only
need the message where that number is part of Message-ID string, not where it
is part of In-Reply-To or References string.)

Enter to open the message. It shows (to me and others) as having BAD
signature. Notice how it turns to be for you.

I have maildir, and if I would do the below, it would create a small maildir
folder. So I first have to do:

touch ClausAssmann.eml

(I named it after the poster of the proof-of-concept non-verbose little tar
archive at:
but for clarity I'll attach the same file here as ClausAssmann.tar, because I
can thank Claus (and Ian Zimmermann in this other email
) that I now know myself how to verify mails from web. And I want to
share it with less advanced than I am.

Untar that file ClausAssmann.tar. The result must be:
$ ls -l ClausAssmann.d
total 8
-rw------- 1 miro miro 1422 2016-09-21 21:31 m4
-rw------- 1 miro miro  824 2016-09-21 21:31 m4.sig

With the mail we just found opened in Mutt, type:


and save it to (the touched) ClausAssmann.eml .

Now you can run this command:

grep -A80 'Content-Type: text\/plain; charset=utf-8' ClausAssmann.eml \
        | head -36 > ClausAssmann.eml.1

You're close to verifing that email. But not there yet, as I purposefully left
the incriminating header (culprit my_hdr of Mutt being buggy as Claus Assmann
stated in this mail:

If you now view the diff of the two files with, they're entirely different.

But if you view them with vimdiff there's only the X-Clacks-Overhead line the

Rerun the slightly modified command:

grep -A80 'Content-Type: text\/plain; charset=utf-8' ClausAssmann.eml \
        | grep -v 'X-Clacks-Overhead' \
        | head -35 > ClausAssmann.eml.2

Now still entirely different with diff, and completely same with vimdiff.

Because it's the end of line is the difference! Solely!

I can convert, the one that I saved, with Vim:

vi ClausAssmann.eml.2
:se ff=dos

Now I can verify that email, either way, because both the incomplete parts of
the raw email (the part that PGP verifies) are exactly the same:

$ ls -l  ClausAssmann.eml.2 ClausAssmann.d/m4
-rw------- 1 miro miro 1422 2016-09-21 21:31 ClausAssmann.d/m4
-rw-r--r-- 1 miro miro 1422 2016-09-23 15:00 ClausAssmann.eml.2
$ sha256sum  ClausAssmann.eml.2 ClausAssmann.d/m4

Any of these two verify correctly:

gpg --verify  ClausAssmann.d/m4.sig   ClausAssmann.eml.2
gpg --verify  ClausAssmann.d/m4.sig  ClausAssmann.d/m4

with signature good.

Anyway, folks, it really would be time for Lurker (if only I didn't work
at turtle speed... Worse, I have been sick now for almost two days,
still recovering.)... Whatever the interface of, it is pretty
poorly creating and following the threads.

The emails that I needed to post the addresses of, would be a few
seconds and not minutes to find (like I spent searhing to find the links
for this email), if the Mutt archive was deployed with Lurker...

Only saying.  And wishing. 

Allow errata after I post this.

Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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