Sure, I forgot the attachment:

JCB, pls. read the previous message carefully!

On 161003-17:26+0200, Miroslav Rovis wrote:
> Hi!
> I'll go from:
> which is:
> 20160918203452.GA30793@g0n.xdwgr in subscribers' mutt archive [*]
> I'll go from there simply because this topic should build just a little from
> there, and because I'm gasping for freedom (can't articulate this fully, but
> exactly the new reduced-to-my-participation Mutt archive over at those pages
> of mine is where my meaning, to really careful, and clever, and attentive,
> reader already can be clear).
> I'm very conservative, because I hate exploits on my system. In a system
> without hidious systemd and its accomodators and associates (dbus, *kits,
> pulse et al.), there is much less room for exploits, and among the distros,
> Gentoo allows me to have a sans-dbus sans-systemd system fully deployed with
> all that I need. Mutt, Postfix (for sending only, still), Getmail and Maildop
> will never depend on those sans-unix idiocies financed by one-ring cravers
> behind big world subjects' façades, and neither will Firefox, Wireshark,
> LibreOffice, Vlc, Mplayer, FFmpeg, Inkscape, Gimp, Pari, Vdr (I hope) and
> other programs that I use/need ever depend on those... And grsecurity/PaX I
> hope won't ever go fully commercial, as that would mark the beginning of the
> true death for FOSS GNU/Linux. (I'll try and call attention to this thought of
> mine at Grsecurity Forums.)
> For my strong privacy-wise attitude (the above paragraph is all indirectly 
> about
> privacy, simply because there is no privacy without security, and there is
> absolutely no certain and comfortable prospect of security with those exploit
> introducers that ban unix simplicity, starting from the PID 1 stupidity of
> systemd and all the way through the rest of poetterware)...
> For my strong privacy-wise attitude I am prepared to compromise a little
> comfort. So while it was no big deal for me always having to download raw mail
> first to be able to reply to it or inspect it, as many of us participants in
> the thread that started at:
> 20160918045359.GN31239@g0n.xdwgrp (in your Mutt (maildir) folder)
> [*]
> or from the web:
> (
> Alas! on the web, unlike in Mutt's folder --where it didn't break--, the
> thread was broken and new started by Ian Zimmerman's message:
> but then it's a beauty to see how it all fits for analysis:
> Only threading in Mutt is superior to Lurker's! Or is Mailman 3 getting there
> maybe, anybody follows there what Mailman folks are doing to be able to tell?
> )
> Laying aside for just a moment my security-first-never-mind-comfort attitude,
> I tried to enable Firefox calling Mutt on raw messages. So in Firefox
> Preferences:
> about:preferences#applications
> for "email message", I used the GUI and stuck "/usr/bin/mutt" in there
> ( and also for "mailto", but I think the "email message" set to "Use mutt" is
> responsible; the below scenario continued to happen when I reverted "mailto"
> to the default "Always ask" )
> Later note: reverting "email message" to "Always ask" will open a choice now,
> one of them being mutt (the other LibreOffice which is somewhat pointless to
> me), and it will send the message like below if I choose "mutt".
> So, this is what happens when I click on the "Poruka kao e-pismo" ("Message as
> email" in Croatian) in the above mentioned page:
> Nothing to be seen in the GUI, but... Here's what I got recorded in the logs,
> open attachment:
> messages-161001-firefox-mutt-postfix.txt.gz
> Pls. take notice of the " port 0 " string (search with the blanks (all the
> three), best. 
> (
> I can't expand much on "port 0" here and now, just:
> Re: php-cgi and nonexisting connections to udp/80 (and udp/0
> )
> Looking up the mail queue:
> # mailq
> -Queue ID-  --Size-- ----Arrival Time---- -Sender/Recipient-------
> 12AD489F        452 Sun Oct  2 14:05:35
>      (connect to[]:587: Network is unreachable)
> /tmp/mozilla_miro0/20160623.134629.b7534288-3.rfc822@g0n.xdwgrp
> 43F268A1        452 Sun Oct  2 14:06:01
>      (connect to[]:587: Network is unreachable)
> /tmp/mozilla_miro0/20160623.134629.b7534288-4.rfc822@g0n.xdwgrp
> -- 0 Kbytes in 2 Requests.
> #
> And so I took those tmp files, here there are:
> 20160623.134629.b7534288-3.rfc822.gz
> 20160623.134629.b7534288-4.rfc822.gz --deleted, see below why--
> (
> the two are identical, attaching only one:
> $ sha256sum 20160623.134629.b7534288-3.rfc822
> 20160623.134629.b7534288-4.rfc822 
> a8f4c511a9dc74e6d72892277d5ac6b665d17076359acde2b4af6ab1c366b1aa
> 20160623.134629.b7534288-3.rfc822
> a8f4c511a9dc74e6d72892277d5ac6b665d17076359acde2b4af6ab1c366b1aa
> 20160623.134629.b7534288-4.rfc822
> $
> )
> Sure:
> # postsuper -d 12AD489F ; postsuper -d 43F268A1
> postsuper: 12AD489F: removed
> postsuper: Deleted: 1 message
> postsuper: 43F268A1: removed
> postsuper: Deleted: 1 message
> # mailq
> Mail queue is empty
> # 
> As you can see if you inspect those files, Firefox will call Mutt, but won't
> call it in a terminal for replying to the message. Instead, it will have Mutt
> send the message directly as if it was in some kind of batch mode.
> And I almost went on to look into the headers in those tmp messages, but now
> I realized it's the same that you get if you simply download from that link:
> $ sha256sum 20160623.134629.b7534288.rfc822 20160623.134629.b7534288-3.rfc822
> a8f4c511a9dc74e6d72892277d5ac6b665d17076359acde2b4af6ab1c366b1aa
> 20160623.134629.b7534288.rfc822
> a8f4c511a9dc74e6d72892277d5ac6b665d17076359acde2b4af6ab1c366b1aa
> 20160623.134629.b7534288-3.rfc822
> $
> Just what made it send that message like that...
> That's really puzzling me... But all of this is a message in a...
> Do they have a program that keeps track when a disFAKEsenFAKEter tries to send
> enfakecrfakeyptfakeed messages... will this BOTTLE (but with workable and
> useful front topic) reach Mutt Users ML?... Pls. see:
> And more there... If those emails turned into html pages becomes unavailable,
> pls. use my program that I updated today to document it:
> (
> Just learned two days ago, was studying all of these:
> baguetteDuFromage, check-bgp, cozy_ynh, dokku-md-plugin, dokku-pg-plugin,
> ep_padlist, gdeploy, jecode, ldapOrm, lxc-utils, miniroot, openstack-campaign,
> plc, plc-gnosis, puppet-gitlab, puppet-jenkins, puppetlabs-nginxpack,
> puppet-users, Simone, stoltenberg-speech-20110722, sunxi-debian,
> torfilter_ynh, vagrant-gitlab
> Almost none of them has "git tag" available for listing, nor checking, such as
> with"git tag --verify <some-tag>", *currently* on them (only found a few
> updates by, IIRC RTyler (or similar name)with a tag, but can't find where
> exactly now).
> And none of my (primitive) programs at Github had tags anymore, up until today
> --I mean they had had tags [[past perfect tense]], previously, but they have
> (recently?) lost it, because Github, obviously relatively recently, decided
> that you have to upload your PGP signature to *them* (they becoming very big,
> will be reaching Schmoog in gynormity... or?)... What a policy!
> See:
> )
> Thanks for the (prospective) help!
> ---
> [*] Subscribed newbies go to your Mutt folder, hit "/" and paste
> "~h20160918203452.GA30793@g0n.xdwgr" --all without quotes-- and examine which
> of the 3 or 4 or so msgs found contain that string in the "Message-ID: "
> header. That's the one!
> -- 
> Miroslav Rovis
> Zagreb, Croatia

Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia

Attachment: messages-161001-firefox-mutt-postfix.txt.gz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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