On Sat, Mar 23, 2019 at 08:29:44PM +0800, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 23, 2019 at 10:27:38AM +0100, felixs wrote:
> > 'getoauthbearersupport'  and 'no refresh command defined', not showing
> > any willingness to download my e-mais.
> Hi felixs,
> The OAUTH support was added in version 1.11.0.  Perhaps the POP
> implementation hasn't gotten enough testing.

Thanks, Kevin, for your kind answer. Actually, I downloaded the
oauth2.py script and I will check if I can adapt it for using it with
pop as well (importing the pop libs), so I will do some testing,
at least with my gmail account. I'm not a real programmer, but I am in the 

I now will try to set up the oauth2 authentication.

Having studied oauth2 more in depth I do not consider it to be secure
enough (as such) mainly because of its overwhelming complexity, and I will NOT 
use it for mail purposes.
For more secure authentication to the mail server, one might consider using 
OpenID Connect, but on
the other hand I am meditating about whether I need such a system at all.


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