On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 09:18:22AM -0700, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 04:54:04PM +0100, felixs wrote:
> > Having studied oauth2 more in depth I do not consider it to be secure
> > enough (as such) mainly because of its overwhelming complexity, and I will 
> > NOT use it for mail purposes.
> Thanks for the update felixs.  I've just returned from overseas so my
> schedule is a bit full, but as soon as I can I will fix up and push the
> patch into stable.
Hi Kevin,

I tried to access the branch with the patch, but the access is
password-protected. Are you able to share the patchfile by other means?
Signing up with gitlab is another option, but I'd need some more time to
decide on whether it's the right choice for me.
Could you email it as a patchfile?

Thanks in advance.


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