On Wed 30 Oct 2019 23:53,
martin f krafft <madd...@madduck.net> put forth the proposition:
> Regarding the following, written by "Dave Woodfall" on 2019-10-30 at 10:05 
> Uhr +0000:
> > I don't think embracing wrong email practices is the way forward.
> I don't think this is about right and wrong, and not only because there is
> no objectivity. multipart/alternative is an accepted standard, and so is
> HTML. You might not like how things have developed, and neither do I, but
> that doesn't make it wrong.

When messages turn up with no plain text part to them at all, or one that's
completely useless, it's wrong.  If people use clients that produce things like
that then I'd say it's better to try to educate people to do it right, rather
than to adapt to their ways.

(I've mostly had this problem with email from a few shops, who use some kind of
PHP mailer that messes things up.  There's a thread here about how to set up a
list of 'htmlers' to deal with those.)

> The fact that the vast majority have adopted HTML for emails means you
> cannot really ignore it anymore. Mutt already handles receiving/reading
> alternative parts quite well. Being able to produce those parts will mean
> it'll suck less for those who need or want this functionality.

It's not about ignoring it.  It's not new and there are clients out there that
handle HTML with images, and all the other bells and whistles, more better than
mutt will ever do.

I am probably a bit biased here, because I don't run X11 99% of the time, and
elinks is my main web browser, so I use it a lot.  I rarely need to start X to
run GUI applications.

Most of the messages I receive are from other *nix users on technical mailing
lists like this, who wouldn't dream of sending HTML.  If I had to live in a
Windows world then I'd probably do things differently.

Fortunately, I don't.



Government's Law:
        There is an exception to all laws.

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