On Thu, 2 Sep 2021, at 19:12, David J. J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> What does gmail really want?  Gmail or GMail or something different?
> Thanks in advance for your replies and help.  I'm sorry I'm confused 
> but it is confusing.

Accidentally, I think they changed something because by mbsync config broke 
some time in August or July.

I am now using "[Gmail]/All mail" & "[Gmail]/Sent Mail" (sic: yes, mail 
lowercased and Mail uppercased for the other folder. Previously, I had been 
using "[Gmail]/All Mail" (sic) (did no longer work).

If in doubt, I would recommend using Thunderbird or another IMAP tool to check 
which folders a vanilla gmail account presents. Gmail is only a legacy account 
for me so I'm not exactly keeping up to date with the service.

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