On 2022-05-19 00:25:32, Jon LaBadie wrote:
> So I have NO IDEA IF IT WILL WORK, but you might try:
> set sendmail="/usr/bin/msmtp [...] --passwordeval=$(gpg --no-tty -q -d 
> ~/.user.gpg)"
Thanks very much for your advise.

Actually I had already read about all the Bash stuff (and also other shells) 
regarding quoting rules, as well as variable/command substitutions.

But this specific part I'm having trouble with seems to be *not* from Bash or 
system's shell, but from Mutt *itself*; as in, Mutt's own "local shell" or 
configuration syntax (not sure how to call it...).

Nevertheless, I tried your advise, and got this:
msmtp: unrecognized option '--no-tty'
Error sending message, child exited 64 (Bad usage.).
Could not send the message.

You can see all what else I have tried already in my previous messages in this 
email "thread"/topic.

Hope someone else could give other advise, or if this is really not possible in 
Mutt, to confirm *why*.

Thanks again for your attention.

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