On Sun, Jun 05, 2022 at 09:26:04AM +0200, Jakub Jindra wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> You're looking for config option [1]header_color_partial
> 1. http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual/#header-color-partial
> set header_color_partial = yes
> color hdrdefault FG  BG
> color header     FG  BG  "REGEX"
> color header     FG1 BG1 "REGEX1"
> tune the colors FG, BG and REGEX to your needs.

I came across that option in the manual, but I couldn't make it work at
the time. I will have to play around with it a bit.

At least I was looking in the right place.

Thanks, Jakub!


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