On Sat, Oct 01, 2022 at 09:33:16AM +0100, Chris Green wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 01, 2022 at 01:24:37PM +0800, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:
>> In [the] past, I've tried a few things to see if it has an effect on
>> the output of long lines, but haven't found anything that makes a
>> difference.  In the end, I believe it's a side effect of how ncurses
>> works.
> Yes, I realise this issue has been looked into before, and no solution
> found. [...] I'll have a talk with Tom Dickey who is the maintainer of
> both vile and ncurses, he may be able to throw some light on this.

Workaround: while viewing an affected email in Mutt, press the vertical
bar key (`|`) and then type `less`.  This will pipe the email to Less -
which, as you've noted, is unaffected by the issue.  You can then select
URLs or other long whitespace-free text strings per your terminal's
normal behaviour.

(You probably already knew this!  But I'm mentioning it in case not, or
in case helpful for anyone else reading this thread.)



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