On Sat, Mar 11, 2023 at 06:15:14PM +0100, Dennis Preiser wrote:

folder-hook . 'set my_record=$record; \
              set record=^; \
              macro index,pager G "<enter-command>echo $record<enter>"; \
              set record=$my_record'

Thanks for your suggestion. I tried this:

folder-hook . 'set my_record=$record; \
               set record=^; \
               macro index,pager G "!offlineimap -o -l /tmp/offlineimap.log -f 
$record\n" \
                    "Retrieve new IMAP messages for current folder"; \
               set record=$my_record'

However, I got an error that leads me to think that the parameter $record is not being received on the other side. Perhaps I should surround the variable name with something so that the shell recognizes it?

Thanks again!

José María (Chema) Mateos || https://rinzewind.org

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