
Getting tiles to work was one of the easier things in the labs, so i am hopeful
that it is something simple you are missing. I have not got the error you
mention below so I am just guessing here..

So can you check to see if all the elements are in place first? The tiles.tld
and tiles dtd in (say) WEB-INF/lib, and the notation for the tiles plugin in
your struts-config (pointing to your layout.xml correctly), taglib notation in
your web.xml.. (I think that's it.)

If these are ok, then check to see if all the jsps that you mention below. In
particular if only your is not compiling/displaying correctly, then
recheck (spelling, case) to see that your cmslist page is *exactly* named
"CMSLst.jsp" and is in fact in the portlets folder.  Btw, does your index page
display correctly (and are you having trouble with only the cmsList page?) or
does index not work either?

If none of this works, write back and I'll send you what i have..

"Peyathevar, Santhi {PBG}" wrote:

> All:
> I am trying to use the Tiles- insert "header"
> ******************************** layouts.xml looks like this:
> <tiles-definitions>
>         <definition name="baseDef"  template="/portlets/Layout.jsp">
>                 <put name="title"                 value="basicPortal com"/>
>                 <put name="logo" value="/portlets/common/logo.jsp"/>
>                 <put name="header" value="/portlets/common/header.jsp"/>
>                 <put name="leftBar" value="/portlets/common/leftBar.jsp"/>
>                 <put name="body"   value="/index.jsp"/>
>                 <put name="adBar" value="/portlets/common/adBarA.jsp"/>
>                 <put name="footer_left"
> value="/portlets/common/footer_left.jsp"/>
>                 <put name="footer" value="/portlets/common/footer.jsp"/>
>                 <put name="footer_right"
> value="/portlets/common/footer_right.jsp"/>
>                 <put name="css"   value="/portlets/css/css.jsp"/>
>         </definition>
> <definition name=  ""        extends ="baseDef">
>             <put name= "body" value="/portlets/CMSLst.jsp"/>
>  </definition>
> </tiles-definitions>
> **********************************
> java.lang.NullPointerException
>         at
> org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.InsertTag.processAttribute(Ljava.lang.String;
> )Lorg.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.InsertTag$TagHandler;(
>         at
> org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.InsertTag.createTagHandler()Lorg.apache.strut
> s.taglib.tiles.InsertTag$TagHandler;(
> *******************************
> Have you seen this problem before? Am i doing something wrong?
> Thank you
> Santhi
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