Arrrgh - problem has reoccurred.   Exactly the same as before.
Changed columns in my main ToDo view, worked with MLO for several days
(starting and stopping), no problems - columns were retained.   Then a
few nights ago,  stopped MLO, left machine on overnight backing up and
when I started MLO in the morning,  the columns had gone (only just
noticed but checking back through my screen snapshots I can see the
point at which the columns disappeared)

Note:  there had been no attempt to change the columns on this view
for several days prior to them being lost so it wasn't unsaved changes
being lost that caused the problem.  The changes were definitely

Have just created the columns, saved the file,  closed MLO and
reopened - and columns are there.   So it is clearly saving the
columns to the file.  Lets see whether they go again.

Observation:  when I restarted MLO I thought I saw the view first
appear without the additional columns and the screen refreshed and the
view appeared with the additional columns.  Could the problem be some
sort of timing/race condition at start up - if there is a separate
block of code which applies the the customised column settings as a
subsequent step - perhaps this it is this process that is faiing or
being overwritten

Yes - just retried and I am definitely seeing this - the colum
headings appear (without the data) without the custom settings and
then the application refreshes and the view appears with the custom
settings.   Note:  I have quite a slow machine so if this is some sort
of timing problem,  then this might explain why only a few people are
seeing it.  This would explain why the problem never occurs when I
stop and immediately restart MLO - the data file is probably cached
somewhere and so loads more quickly.

On Feb 9, 5:54 pm, "Andrey Tkachuk (MLO)" <>
> Good to hear. Let's "sleep on it" for some time. I have reviewed the
> code very carefully and added only one fix I described. Hope the issue
> has gone now. If it is not - I will spend more time on it since it was
> really odd.
> Thanks!
> Andrey.
> On Feb 9, 7:30 pm, chuckdevee <> wrote:
> > Column formats stable and working well for me now.. no issues so far..- 
> > Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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