On December 15, 2016 12:53:03 AM Dwight <m...@dwightarthur.us> wrote:

Hi, John. I mentioned that the more efficient form of the project
"appears to the human eye to be out of order" and you clearly have a
strong case of this but I promise you, the order is correct. Type this
in and run it, you will see what I mean. After task 1 is done the next
one to appear is not 4, it's 2 and 3 together. task 4 cannot appear
because it is inactive, due to having uncompleted subtasks. Only when
the subtasks are completed can the parent appear.

Your "moreover" point is valid though I would say it differently.
Setting up the tasks in this form means that checking off task 4 means
that you have completed (or cancelled) tasks 2, 3, and 4. If you have
completed task 4 out of order but still need 2 and 3, you would have to
re-order the tasks.

Anyhow, since you are a "thinking in shapes" person you should probably
avoid this, as well as any sort of reverse polish notation.


On 12/14/2016 7:42 AM, John . Smith wrote:
Hi Dwight

Ah - I hadn't quite realised that a Folder in MLO /cannot/ be marked as
completed. And that in the Active tasks view, MLO's "Complete subtasks
in order" will hide a folder it if it does not contain any uncompleted

OK so yes, using a folder would certainly be one way of getting a number
of subtasks to appear simultaneously in a project that had "Complete
subtasks in order" set. The only problem is that the Folder itself is a
slightly artificial construct (that my have no obvious name for example)

However there are problems with the form you suggest  i.e.

  > Task 1
  > Task 4
  > > Task 2
  > > Task 3
  > Task 7
  > > Task 5
  > > Task 6

One problem is that Task 4 and Task 7 have become out of sequence.
e.g. After Task 1 is completed, you would see Task 4 which looks like it
should be done /before /Task 2 and Task 3.

  > Task 4
  > > Task 2
  > > Task 3

Moreover if you do complete task 4 early then if you also tick it off as
being completed, then Tasks 2 and Task 3 would disappear from view
prematurely - not good!

Reflecting on all of this, I think one of my problems is that:
A) because I think in shapes, all my instincts are to create a mind map
by subject area, but then when it comes to /priority/ - i.e. the
sequence in which I need to execute things... that is a totally
different dimension and not remotely the same thing priority.


B) I also like to sort things by relative priority (i.e. priority
relative to each other)

However it is dangerous to conflate subject area with priority as they
are clearly totally different concepts.

AH-HA!  I have just had a *mini-breakthrough* regarding my need for
"Forced Next".

If I create a flag called ForcedNext, if I then create a view that has
"Show Actions: All" and I create an Advanced filter of:
      ActiveAction is true  OR
      Flag = ForcedNext

In this view it will show the first Active action and it will also show
any actions that I have flagged up as being ForcedNext.

Better yet, if I want to see visually (with only minimal reading) what
that task is by subject area I can set Show Hierarchy to Yes.
Or if I want a more compact view I can of course switch the hierarchy off.
And of course Hierarchy view is useful if I want to change the sort
order without resorting to a "manual sort" which always gets me confused

I can then work through these views to pick off the "focus on today"
tasks using stars.

OK this sounds v promising - now to put it into practice. More later


On Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 11:25:20 PM UTC, Dwight wrote:

    The folder counts as a subtask but it is one that does not need to be
    marked complete. So at the beginning of the process, the project has
    five steps: Task 1, Folder 1, Task 4, Folder 2, Task 7. These steps
    be done sequentially. When the next step is a folder, the folder itself
    need not be marked complete but the step cannot be considered complete
    until the uncompleted subtasks are done. There is no "complete subtasks
    in order" set for the folders, so the subtasks of each folder are done
    in parallel.

    The result is, initially Task 1 is shown. When task 1 is completed,
    tasks 2 and 3 are shown together and can be done in any order.
    Suppose 3
    is done first, then task 2 remains visible and is the only task for
    project that's visible. When task 2 is completed, task 4 is shown, When
    task 4 is completed, tasks 5 and 6 show together. When they have each
    been completed task 7 is shown and then the project is done.

    As I said, this does not show you "the task after the next task" or
    task after that" but it does allow you to specify certain groups of
    tasks as acceptable to execute simultaneously, or in parallel. In this
    case, tasks 2 and 3, and tasks 5 and 6 were designated as parallel
    tasks. The folders are just there because it makes it easier to compose
    and to read. The most efficient form for this same project would be

      > Task 1
      > Task 4
      > > Task 2
      > > Task 3
      > Task 7
      > > Task 5
      > > Task 6

    This project is exactly equivalent to the one with the folders, in
    of what is visible at each point and what happens when any particular
    task is completed. Although is presents the tasks in strictly numerical
    order it appears to the human eye to be out of order, which is why the
    version with the folders is easier to read.

    BTW the "Task 1" project that you presented below, assuming that "task
    1" itself is marked "subtasks in order" and that no other task has this
    marking, would be executed as follows: tasks 1.1.1, 1.1.2 and 1.1.3
    would be shown all at the same time. After all three were complete,
    tasks 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and finally task 1 will be displayed one-at-a-time


    On 12/13/2016 1:35 PM, John . Smith wrote:
    > Hi Dwight
    > [message crossing, btw!]
    >> You previously stated that you found folders to be a waste of time
    > To be fair I have now tried so many different configurations of
    > everything insight I am losing count!
    > I'm probably being a bit thick about this but in your example...
    > Project
    >  > Task 1
    >  > Folder 1
    >  > > Task 2
    >  > > Task 3
    >  > Task 4
    >  > Folder 2
    >  > > Task 5
    >  > > Task 6
    >  > Task 7
    > If I make the Project which contains all 7 tasks set to "Complete
    > subtasks in order", the only task that is now visible is Task 1.
    > Also what impact does creating those Folders actually have?
    > In general "Complete subtasks in order" only seems to work for one
    > of subtasks. i.e. If Task 1 any children or grandchildren e.g.
    >> Task 1
    >>  > Task 1.1
    >>  >  >  Task 1.1.1
    >>  >  >  Task 1.1.2
    >>  >  >  Task 1.1.3
    >>  >  Task 1.2
    >>  >  Task 1.3
    > Then all of the above would be visible, yes?

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