hi All, sharing some ideas here too, mainly thought for MLO Windows version:

- there should a simple/easy shortcut for switching through 'completed task 
hidden', 'old completed task hidden', 'completed task shown' (probably easy 
to implement, and high value added type of feature) note: I solved it since 
I use autohotkey, so found a way to toggle that setting through the 

- filters available at the top in the toolbar section, ideally fully 
customizable which filters you can have there OR make columns name filters 
(like in Excel, that would be super powerful!), but at min the ability to 
filter by 'due date', 'importance', 'goal', 'status', 'context' would be 
super productive. (I know you can set them from the Advance filters 
feature, but the ability to have handy at just 1-click would make a huge 

- ability to change 'status' field values from the main view (like you can 
change due date) without the need to go to the properties panel on the 
right. <-- generalizing this: any field that have a list of predefine 
values should be possible to be updated from the main view

- status field available in any task w/o the need to make it a project.

- 'Group by' popup should probably have a grid (instead of the current 
controls), such that you can easily move up/down the fields you want to 
group by, that would be much easier to set up and update as needed. Even 
with the grid you can keep the limit of only 4 group by levels.

- warning, game changer idea :-), a calendar view, I know and use the 
ability to sync up with Google Calendar, it works like a charm indeed, 
bi-directional update, just amazing, I agree, BUT, I think having a 
built-in calendar view would take the app to the next level well beyond 
competitors, this is the idea:
-- first the basic features you 'would expect' in any calendar view:
--- a section on the calendar page from where you can see your list of 
tasks, such that you can drop into the calendar the ones you want
--- ability to drag and drop tasks from any day/time to another day/time
--- the 'typical' day/weekly/monthly views
--- ability to filter the tasks as you can do in the existing views <-- 
this is the big difference / value add in comparison to use Google 
Calendar, meaning Google Calendar is great, but you can't take advantage of 
all the MLO filtering features, that's why a built-in calendar in MLO would 
be simply awesome
--- when you drop a task (either from the backlog, or move one that was 
already in the calendar) into a time slot that already had a task, a domino 
effect is triggered that would move the tasks sequentially:
any existing tasks that were already in the calendar on the same time slot 
would moved automatically. e.g. if I have a task that goes from 2pm to 3pm, 
and place in that same slot a 30 mins task at 2pm, then the existing one 
would automatically move to 2:30 to 3:30pm, same would happen with any task 
that was after 3:30, basically when you place a task in the calendar (or 
move an existing one) you create a domino effect...(that's not available in 
any calendar app I have tried so far). tasks that fall from Day 1 would 
automatically move to Day 2, etc
--- ability to control the 'domino effect': flag available at the task 
level to keep the task unchanged if you place another task in that same 
slot, or by tasks moved due to the domino effect. Basically (it could be by 
default) each task has a flag that protects from being automatically moved 
by the domino effect, but you have the option to uncheck that protection 
such that the domino effect will move it. Real life example, you plan 3 
things for day 1, ('enjoy time with the family', 'go running', and 'study 
machine learning'), and you only complete the first 2, so you move 'study 
machine learning' to day 2 where you already had tasks planned, those tasks 
that were already in day 2 are automatically pushed down based on the 
duration assigned to 'study machine learning' and the time slot you place 
-- another neat feature would be to have Quarterly/Yearly/Next N Years 
views that allow you to plan at that level e.g an outcome I'd like to 
achieve the next quarter, the next second quarter, the next year, you get 
the idea, etc...

- and finally of course, :-), custom fields, it was already asked by many 
people already, so +1. Ability to create custom fields of different types 
(dates, list of text, list of numbers), then able to filter and/or group 
using the custom fields. Custom fields on top of existing MLO features 
would simply be 'rock and roll baby!' :-)

On Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 9:44:40 PM UTC-3 kunk...@gmail.com wrote:

> I had submitted one of these feature requests in the past; but will repost 
> it:
> **Option to make task defer to parent's notes.*  
> What I mean is that, I like my parent folder to have all my case notes 
> (phone logs, observation notes, etc).  The parent folder has many 
> subtasks.  Those subtasks are simple todos though -- they *never *have 
> notes.  So if one of those subtasks is currently selected, the notes pane 
> should display the notes for its parent folder.  This would be a task-level 
> option; not an outline-level option.  I can explain more if it helps.  
> **Only one folder from this branch can be expanded at a time. *
> If I have many folders, or subfolders, of the same level (i.e. all 
> siblings of the same branch), then only one of them can be expanded at a 
> time.  If I expand one, the other one collapses automatically.  This would 
> be an outline-level setting.  It would have to be easy to turn this setting 
> on and off.  
> **Rich Text in Notes.  *
> I tried getting used to Markdown, but it just doesn't work for me.  I need 
> to be able to *edit *the notes and *see *them at the same time. 
> Thanks for considering.  
> *Stay Strong Ukraine!!!*
>    -steve

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