Hi All,
Below is the status that I got from my server's mysql server, can anyone
explain to me more on this?? and as u see here... currently mysql server
is running extremely slow:

mysql>show variables;
| Variable_name      | Value                                                |
| back_log           | 5                                                    ||
| datadir            | .                                                    |
| join_buffer        | 131072                                               |
| key_buffer         | 1048568                                              |
| max_allowed_packet | 65536                                                |
| max_connections    | 90                                                   |
| max_join_size      | 4294967295                                           |
| max_sort_length    | 1024                                                 |
| net_buffer_length  | 8192                                                 |
| port               | 3380                                                 |
| record_buffer      | 131072                                               |
| skip_locking       | 0                                                    |
| sort_buffer        | 2097144                                              |
| table_cache        | 64                                                   |
| thread_stack       | 65536                                                |
| tmp_table_size     | 1048576                                              |
19 rows in set (4 min 8.20 sec)

mysql> show status;
| Uptime | Running_threads | Questions | Opened_tables | Reloads | Open_tables |
| 108855 |              20 |    344541 |           838 |       1 |          63 |
1 row in set (55.35 sec)

so, can anyone tell me on how to improve my mysql server so that it can run
very fast????


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