On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 11:47:41AM -0500, Joe Kislo wrote:
> > I´m currently working on system for Managing http Session and would like
> > to use a heap table for storing the session information. Session
> > information is only of temporary intrest. But still I need an unique
> > ID for reference with some other Tabels storing dtaa for the session.
> > All these tables are Heap tables. So there is no Probelem if the ID
> > generated by the auto_increment column is not unique when the Database
> > server is restarted.
>       There's a couple problems with that to begin with.  First, you're
> storing state in a HEAP table.  If the mysql server gets reset, all the
> sessions are lost. It would be tough to think you want to write your
> system so your database server cannot ever be restarted, especially when
> writing the data to a MyISAM table would probably be at a trivial loss
> of speed.

Read my mail. The data I store is only of temporary intrest. So there 
is no Problem  when they are lost during mysqlserver restart. 

> Also, if you used an auto_incrementing column, you would be
> handing out sessionIDs sequentially.  It would be trivial for somebody
> to usurp somebody else's sessionID by simply subtracting or adding 1 to
> their own.  

There is now way for an user to see the session ID. The Session ID is
internaly handled and retrieved from the database every single request. 
Thats why I want to use Heap Tables to reduse overhead. The System is
working perfektly. 



Gerhard Schmidt                               mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
adMaster network                                  Tel.: +49 89 38356-334
Kaiserstraße 16
D-80801 München                           http://www.admasternetwork.net

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