Yeah - sorry, a typo. Master A is down, so I need to repoint Slave 1 and Slave 2 to Master B. Same problem though. I know how to tell it's down, my question is in the best way to sync Slave 1 and Slave 2 with Master B since Master A and Master B weren't completely in sync.

Sanjeev Sagar wrote:

Master A has Slave 1 and Slave 2 Master B has Slave 3 and Slave 4

Master A is ahead of Master B, and Master A goes down, we want to repoint Slave 3 and Slave 4 to Master B. Since the data is large, we don't want to do a fresh resync of Slave 3 and 4 from scratch. And A and B may not have been updated at the same time (or in same order), so their binary logs won't be in same order (so it's not as simple as saying go to the last position you were in when your Master died on your new master and continue from there).

I am not sure that I understand what you mean by repoint slave 3 and slave 4 when Master B is already behind than Master A. is it a typo mistake.

Anyway, you can implement Heart beat mechanism at master level and run it every min or 
30 sec whatever you like. You can take a look at replication chapter from Jeremy book.


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