I found the below from Php Documentation * Php Manual.Chm *

  " Windows users may enable the extension php_mysql.dll inside php.ini. Also, 
copy libmySQL.dll into the appropriate %SYSTEMROOT% directory, just like you do 
with every other bundled DLL from the dll directory "

  My question is :
  How do I install or enable Mysql-support in Php5? Is there any syntax or 
command which has to be included in Php.ini; OR any other way to enable 

  I'm using Apache 2, Windows XP , Mysql 4.1, php5;

  Thank you,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hagen Hoepfner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: Basic Problem Facing towards..

> It seems that you PHP was compiled without mysql-support ... please take 
> a look at the php-documentation.
> Shiva wrote:
> >  Hallo Everyone,
> >  I'm facing this basic problem for connecting the Mysql4.01 Database using 
> > Php5;
> >
> >  The browser shows the following error;
> >
> >  mysql_connect("localhost", "root") or 
> >
> >  -->
> >  Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in D:\Program 
> > Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\mass\connect.php on line 25
> >
> >  Can someone plz help me to sort out this problem.
> >
> >  Thanx in advance
> >
> >  Regards
> >  Shiva
> >
> >  ps:-
> >
> >  login.php
> >
> >  <?
> >
> >  if ($submit = "Login") 
> >  {
> >   
> >    mysql_connect("localhost", "root","123sw") or                
> >      die ("Could not connect to database");
> >
> >    mysql_select_db("user") or
> >      dir ("Could not select database");   
> >
> >  $result=mysql_query("select * from user where username='$username'") 
> >               or die ("cant do it"); 
> >
> >  while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { 
> >   if ($row["password"]==$password ) 
> >    { 
> >      printf("Successfully Logged In!"); 
> >    }else{
> >      print("Nope");
> >      
> >     }
> >   } 
> >  }
> >  ?>
> >
> >  create_entry.php
> >
> >  <?php
> >       
> >  mysql_connect("localhost", "root","123sw") or 
> >      die ("Could not connect to database");
> >   mysql_select_db("user") or
> >      dir ("Could not select database");   
> >    
> >   if ($submit = = "Register")
> >  {
> >     $query = "insert into user
> >             (username, password) values ('$username', '$password')";
> >     mysql_query($query) or 
> >               die (mysql_error());
> >  ?>
> >  <h3>You are now registered</h3>
> >  <a href="index.html">Go back to main page</a>
> >  <?php
> >  }
> >  else
> >  {
> >    include("not.html");
> >  }
> >  ?>
> >
> >
> >  index.html
> >
> >  <html>
> >    <head>
> >      <h2>
> >       User Login
> >      </h2>
> >      <form method=post action="/login.php">
> >     </head>
> >    <body> 
> >     <b>
> >      <br>
> >       Username
> >       <br>
> >      </b>
> >      <input type=text size=15 name="username">
> >       <br>
> >        <b>
> >         UserPassword
> >       </b>
> >      <br>
> >      <input type=text size=15 name="password">
> >      <br>
> >      <input type=submit name=submit value="Login">
> >      <input type=reset  name=reset  value="Clear">
> >      <br>
> >      
> >      <a href="/Register.html">Register</a>
> >     </form>  
> >   </body>
> >  </html>
> >
> >  register.html
> >
> >  <html>
> >    <head>
> >      <h2>
> >       User Registration
> >      </h2>
> >      <form method=post action="create_entry.php">
> >     </head>
> >    <body> 
> >     <b>
> >      <br>
> >       Username
> >       <br>
> >      </b>
> >      <input type=text size=15 name=username>
> >       <br>
> >        <b>
> >         UserPassword
> >       </b>
> >      <br>
> >      <input type=password size=15 name=password>
> >      <br>
> >      <input type=submit name=submit value="Register">
> >      <input type=reset  name=reset  value="Clear">
> >     </form>  
> >   </body>
> >  </html>
> >
> >
> >  
> >

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